Most of the children who are sick and dying in the world suffer from common, treatable diseases such as pneumonia, diarrhea, tuberculosis, malaria and dehydration. One might assume that if such a child is able to get to a hospital or clinic, he or she will receive the necessary care and treatment, but sadly this often is not the case.
The hospital systems in developing countries are often unable to treat their pediatric patients because of supply shortages. Even in some of the most modern University facilities found in Africa and South America, there are severe shortages in medicines and supplies. Such circumstances result in increased mortality and morbidity of those who become ill. Especially affected are the smallest and weakest: children.
At least one in five children will grow up with a parent who is an alcoholic or substance user, according to federal studies. Nearly every other significant U.S. metropolitan region has rates lower than Los Angeles County, where 80% to 90% of child welfare cases involve drug addiction in which case experts might direct them to services like
These kids experience everyday fear and accumulate memories of mistreatment and deceit that they take into maturity. memories of parents emerging from locked bathrooms in a daze, of days-long binges that follow every paycheck, and of looking for mom or dad in alleyways as other kids made their way to school or a local gym which has been tuned up by the local contractors working in Gym Equipment Repairs.
Some people never really experience infancy at all, taking on the role of caregiver for stoned parents and dependent peers as young as 3 or 4. When babies wake up screaming in the middle of the night and no one else is around, they change nappies and prepare bottles for the babies. Standing on a chair next to the kitchen, they learn how to prepare meals for the family.
The use of medical marijuana is on the rise, with approval for medical use in 33 states, as of August 2019. Medical marijuana and one of its compounds, CBD, has been used to treat a number of symptoms in adults, such as those associated with medical conditions including AIDS, glaucoma, PTSD, Parkinson’s disease, fibromyalgia, forms of epilepsy, chronic pain and cancer. However, adults are not the only people who have reportedly experienced benefits of medical marijuana, learn more in this cbd oil website.
Parents have grown privy to information about the reported health benefits of the marijuana (or cannabis) plant, and many have already administered it to their children. If you are interested in or considering CBD for your child, read on to see what recent research says as well as some considerations for you to keep in mind which include they need to get an oklahoma marijuana card.
There are very few charities targeting this general pediatric population. The Foundation does not give grants to other agencies, charities, trusts or foundations. The Medicine for Sick Children Foundation (MSCF) gives help where it is needed most: directly to pediatric hospitals and clinics to treat these basic diseases.